Wednesday, March 28, 2012

State issues more horizontal well permits for Youngstown region


YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Seventeen new horizontal well permits were issued by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources the week of March 18 to drill natural gas wells in the Utica/Point Pleasant shale plays throughout the state including four wells in Columbiana County and two in Carroll County.
ODNR issued the four permits in Columbiana to Chesapeake Exploration LLC, a subsidiary of Chesapeake Energy, to drill two wells in Hanover Township on the Hanover Farms property, one well on the Morris property in Elkrun Township, and another in Madison Township on the Kernich property.
These are the first horizontal wells permitted on each of the three properties. However, ODNR records show Chesapeake applied to drill a new well on the Kernich property on Jan. 23 and has yet to apply for a complementary horizontal well permit. Chesapeake applied March 13 for approved new well and horizontal permits on the Kernich property.

Horizontal well permits in Columbiana County number 26: seven in Hanover Township, two in Elkrun and two in Madison.

In Carroll County, Chesapeake’s approved permits reached 60 with a new horizontal well permit on the Mangun property in Augusta Township and a new horizontal well permit on the P. Brown property in Lee Township.

Chesapeake holds nine horizontal drilling permits in Augusta, three of them on the Mangun property, and 16 horizontal drilling permits in Lee, two on the P. Brown property. ODNR records show no pending permits on either of the Mangun or Brown properties.

The ODNR also issued horizontal drilling permits for Chesapeake in Harrison County (two), Stark County (two) and Jefferson County.

The ODNR issued HG Energy three horizontal drilling permits on the Whitacre Enterprises property in Washington Township of Monroe County.

Enervest Operating LLC was issued two horizontal drilling permits by the ODNR, one in Stark County and another to drill in Muskingum County.

Another permit was also issued in Belmont County to Hess Ohio Resources.
A review of ODNR records show no new horizontal drilling permits were issued in Mahoning or Trumbull counties nor are there any permits pending.

Copyright 2012 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.

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