Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Additional Comments for the Windsor Meeting on 3/26/2012

I hope that someone can talk about things that the local cities and townships CAN do:
·         Educate landowners: hold info meetings, send residents info, put a link to helpful info on their website, etc.
·         Not spread brine on roads (our website has a list of counties / cities / townships that can spread brine on roads)
·         In Mansfield, the Law Director has suggested significantly increasing the property tax for land with injection wells. This may be something to pursue in Windsor, etc.
·         Townships can work with the County Engineer and Commissioners to enact the protective road agreement (10 pages) not the one the industry is shopping around (2 pages with vague language) (10-page lease is on our website)
·         Ban fracking and injection wells on township or city property
·         Ban fracking throughout the city / township (www.celdf.org the citizens-rights-based ban)
What citizens can do:
·         Work within their community to educate their neighbors: pass out flyers hold meetings, show Gasland, etc.
·         Become part of the county group and yet work locally
·         Educate their local elected officials (it’s amazing how little some of these people know)
·         Push their local elected officials to take the above-mentioned actions

Vanessa Pesec

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