Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Important Informational Meeting in Windsor 4-23

Dear Neighbors,
Please try to attend the April 23rd meeting in Windsor.  It will give us some information about baseline water testing when the drilling rigs arrive in our neighborhoods and discussion about old mineral leases that were signed by previous landowners.
I hope to see you there.

Gail Larson
Trumbull Township

Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake Counties Farmers Union ispresenting a meeting on well water testing Monday, April 23, at 6:30pm, in theWindsor Community Center. The presence of waste water injection wells in Windsor (Ashtabula County) and the granting of permits for horizontal hydrofracking for natural gas extraction innearby townships have raised concerns about the quality of the water in ourwells. Representatives from Summit Environmental Technologies will explain what should be tested for in our water wells to get good baseline data. An attorney will also be present for a brief discussion on the old mineral leases thatcover much of northeast Ohio. Many newer landowners do not realize that leasessigned by previous landowners may still be active.

Concerns aboutthe consequences of fracking were raised by members at the annual convention of the Ohio Farmers Union in January of this year. As a result, OFU adopted thefollowing policies, and has called on the Governor, Ohio General Assembly andthe Ohio Department of Natural Resources to adopt them. This practice of horizontal hydrofracking must be regulated to protect the health of Ohiocitizens, protect the quantity and quality of ground and surface water, protectsoils from contamination, protect air quality, protect the public investmentsmade by local governments in critical infrastructure such as roads and watertreatment systems, protect the unique aesthetics of rural life and Ohio’snatural beauty, maximize the economic opportunities for Ohio’s workers overworkers from other states, and provide for reasonable and responsible localgovernment oversight regarding health, safety and public infrastructure.

The Ohio Farmers Union has called for a moratorium on the issuance of new permits for horizontal stimulation of a well (fracking) by ODNR until the issuance by the U.S. EPA of its “first report” of the Plan to Study the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources, which is due out later this year.

Monday, April 23, 6:30 PM at Windsor CommunityCenter
5430 Mayfield Road, Windsor, Ohio  44099
Forfurther information call 440-272-5154or 440-272-5174

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